Mental/Emotional/Behavioral disorders are common
among people of today
Truth: Spiritual disorders are common among
people of today
In Mark 5:1-20 Jesus performs one of the most significant miracles of
His ministry as He completely transforms a desperate maniac who was totally
possessed of the devil. This man is only one of many that were plagued by the
devil and his ruthless demons during the Lord Jesus Christ's miracle working
ministry. But, in the case of this man, Jesus made a special trip to the Eastern
side of Lake Galilee, believed to be Gentile territory, on an isolated rugged
shore, in order to compassionately and lovingly rescue just one man, sending
him back to his home as a missionary.
Then, Jesus would, just as quickly as He came, return to His familiar
area of ministry on the Western shore of Galilee.
This Demoniac of Gadara was a 'special case' and therefore had a special
place in the Lord's heart, for just as He must needs go to Samaria for the
fields were white unto harvest, so too He must needs go to Gadara, for one of
His chosen, this mentally and physically tortured madman, awaited
deliverance! This one transformed
Spirit-filled man with his powerful testimony would reach multitudes in the ten
cities of the Decapolis. Yes, this one man who was fully controlled and
possessed of Satan and his legions was miraculously transformed from Madman to
Missionary in a moment of time, by the power of the spoken Word of the Lord
Jesus Christ!
The devil and his demons today are still very busy influencing,
controlling and possessing men, women and children in the same way they did
during the time of Christ. But, instead
of recognizing Satan as the real source of the majority of mental/emotional/behavioral
disorders, the medical profession treats those who are afflicted by the devil's
working by using counseling, drugs, psychiatry, psychology, electro-shock therapy,
heavy sedation and physical restraint instead of the all powerful Word of God!
All of these other methods are man's humanistic efforts to cure a spiritual
dilemma caused by a simple three-letter word called sin! No man could tame this maniac, and so it is
with the majority of mental/emotional cases of today!
As evidenced by the demon-possessed man in Mark 5, there are at least
ten different signs of demonic influence, control, and possession:
Exceeding fierce (Aggressive/hostile behavior) (Matthew 8:28)
Outcast/Loner (Mark 5:2)
Unusual strength (Mark 5:24)
Self-inflicted wounds (Mark 5:5)
Continual unrest (Mark 5:5)
Continual crying out/screaming (Mark 5:5)
Desperate (Mark 5:6)
Interest in the dead/death (Mark 5:2, 3, 5)
Morals out of control (Nakedness) (Luke 8:27)
10. Split Personality (Schizophrenia)
(Mark 5:6, 7)
These outward symptoms are only the results of the inner spiritual
conflict that was continually raging within the heart of this pitiful demented
soul. All of the above spiritual conflicts are openly demonstrated in the
society in which we live today, but they are treated in a far different way
than the Lord Jesus Christ treated them during His ministry. And in most cases,
they are treated unsuccessfully.
Jesus saw the real source of these afflictions and proceeded to release
this man from the powerful clutches of the multitude of Satan's demons! It is
only by the power of the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ manifested
through His Word, that men can truly be healed/cured of these vicious
demonically induced spiritual afflictions!
He and He alone can give full and complete liberty from these
spiritually induced, destructive conflicts!
The Lord's ministry of Mark 5 reveals the only real cure for someone
whose life is influenced, controlled or possessed by the devil's demons. This
man, after surrendering to Jesus' will, was transformed in his appearance
(clothed), attitude (right mind), and actions (sitting)! (Mark 5:15) This is
the perfect picture of a complete turn around in all areas of his life! This
miraculous transforming ministry of the Word of the Lord Jesus Christ is what
we need in the 'mental' institutions of this world! Believe me, there are
countless multitudes of men, women and children in these places that have the
same symptoms as this man, and just like this man: 'neither could any man tame
But, if given the opportunity, the Lord Jesus Christ could 'tame' them
just as He did here, and on multitudes of other occasions! He would gladly turn
countless Madmen into Missionaries if only He had the opportunity to do His
work through His miraculous transforming Word!
In my own personal experience, seven of these ten signs of demonic
influence were afflicting me at the time the Lord Jesus Christ saved me,
delivering me from sin and Satan's power. Drugs and alcohol were two of the
tools the devil used to bring me into his full control. My life was plagued
with spiritual conflicts described by the medical profession as 'mental/nervous
breakdowns' when all of the above treatments were employed to try to 'cure' me
but 'neither could any man tame' me. I was considered a hopeless case by the
doctors and deacons alike, but 'When I
saw Jesus' I turned in repentance to Him, I trusted Him by
faith as my personal Saviour, and I was completely and totally transformed!
The 'all of the above' traditional methods of counseling, drugs,
psychology, psychiatry, shock therapy, heavy sedation and physical restraint
are replaced by the one all important Word from God-REPENT! Jesus in His initial proclamation of the Word
(Matthew 4:17) offers men the only real alternative to give spiritual healing
and lasting liberty from the devil and his workings within the soul! Yes, it is
repentance toward God (For the sins we have committed against Him) and faith
toward Jesus Christ (Faith in what He has done by lovingly dying on the Cross
to pay the penalty for our sin) (Acts 20:21), the one and only cure for all of
the 'uncureables' man can ever experience!
Truth once again triumphs over Tradition!
The Lord Jesus Christ and His miraculous Word rescued my soul from the
torturous fires of hell and the hopeless and helpless doctoring of man, giving
me instantaneous freedom from the chains and bondage of sin, being miraculously
translated into the Kingdom of God!
L.E.Wolfe I-85 Exit 35 SC McPilot
Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!
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