Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Pastor

Tradition: The Pastor is under the authority
                                                                   of the people
       Truth: The people are under the authority
                                                                  of the Pastor

     While visiting a Bible preaching church recently, I noticed a somewhat unusual (to me) situation take place.  The Pastor was consistently being ordered around and 'humorously' belittled by the men (elders) of the church, as though he was a hired servant. Now, all who are called to the ministry must be servants of God, giving their lives in full submission to His will. However, the authority structure God has set up for the local church must be fully understood and obeyed by Pastor and people alike!

     Hebrews 13:7 says: "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the Word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation." This verse clearly teaches that the one who speaks the Word (Pastor) has the rule (position of authority) over those who hear.  Hebrews 13:17 continues: "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you."

     Here again the distinction is made between the Pastor and people, calling for obedience and submission of the people to the Pastor! Without this attitude of submission followed by actions of obedience there can be no real God-given order in the church, and rebellion will rule, even though it might be quietly and cleverly disguised by the people's disobedient and rebellious garb of religion!

     This un-Biblical 'rule by committee' instead of rule 'by the commandment of God' could also manifest itself through the untaught and therefore ignorant people of God!  In this case the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of the Pastor who should know and therefore teach this all important principle of God's Word! When the people have the rule over the Pastor open bedlam is the order of the day, and anybody with a loud voice or a lot of money can sway the direction of the church!

     As a word of personal testimony, I have witnessed entire families being destroyed spiritually as the fathers rebel against the Pastor's authority, undermining the God-ordained authority structure of the local church and thereby displaying their example of rebellion openly to their children, losing them to the onslaught of the devil, even though their fathers were supposed 'Elders' in the church! This rebellion against authority in many cases carries through to the workplace, on the highways when the boss and civil government become the enemy instead of servants of God placed into the lives of His people as delegates of His authority.

     What a truly sad commentary when the lives of young men and women brought up in a Bible preaching church are literally lost and ruined for the lack of obedience to this simple principle!
Although it is clear in the Old and New Testament alike, many leaders were chosen among God's people, there was always one in charge of the rest, witness Moses, Joshua, David and Solomon etc. leading and ruling over God's people.  And so it continues in the New Testament with John the Baptist leading his disciples, the Lord Jesus Christ over His twelve disciples, James over the elders in the church of Jerusalem and Paul the apostle leading his helpers and the churches of the Gentiles.

     Therefore, we must obey the clear teaching of the Word of God from start to finish, obeying and submitting ourselves to the Pastor's Biblical teaching and example and thereby receive God's full blessing in our local churches of today.

Chaplain L.E.Wolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC  McPilot  Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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