Sunday, June 8, 2014


Tradition: Homosexuality is an Accepted Alternate Lifestyle 
 Truth: Homosexuality is a Rejected Sinful Lifestyle

     The present day majority, including many Christians, has changed it's opinion concerning the homosexual lifestyle. This change has come about mainly due to the  increased exposure homosexuality has been given by the mainstream media over the last few decades.  In the 1950's homosexuality was soundly rejected as a sinful lifestyle by the majority,  but , during the 60's & 70's many began to tolerate this heinous practice. 

      Increasing acceptance with time, in varying degrees, came about in the 80's & 90's, as more and more people 'come out of the closet' including celebrities and politicians which, somehow, seems to add credibility to this unnatural and bizarre practice. Today, it is given the unusual title of 'Alternate Lifestyle' thereby concealing and disguising the reality of its deadly and sinful characteristics and practices.

     The first homosexuals mentioned in Scripture were completely destroyed by the God of heaven when the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were totally consumed by His judgment of 'brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven' (Genesis 19:24).

     All the inhabitants of the cities were killed because 'the Lord said... their sin is very grievous' (Genesis 18:20). The name Sodomite has been given to those who practice this awful and wicked sin down through the ages until today.  God's condemnation of the homosexual lifestyle is evident in the Apostle Paul's New Testament writings found in Romans 1:26, 27 :
'For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving  in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.'

     This lengthy passage of Scripture continues on through v.32 listing 24 attitudes and actions of those who are described as having a reprobate mind, those who choose this inordinate conduct rejecting God and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. They are 'Without understanding [senseless], covenant breakers [faithless], without natural affection [heartless], unmerciful [ruthless]’.

     It is significant that the vast majority of the gruesome mass murderers of the past few decades have also been found to be homosexuals. These are people who have their conscience seared, their minds reprobate, 'full of ...murder' (Romans 1:29)

     What should our response be to these men and women who choose this wretched way of life? Compassion to the Sinner, but Convictions of Scripture concerning the sin! We must reach out with Holy Spirit-filled compassionate love to these who are seemingly trapped by Satan's vicious grip of sin!

     But, you notice I said 'choose' not 'afflicted with' this wretched way of life, for those former Sodomites who have been converted by the power of the Holy Spirit of God will readily tell you they chose to be a homosexual, they were not afflicted with it, as though a victim of a disease as the current thinking of today proclaims.

     No, this is just like any other sin that God condemns, it is chosen and therefore can be repented of and forgiven by our loving God through the precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ! No sin is too great or terrible for Him to forgive, He has paid it all, the full price for the sin of mankind when He bled and died on the Cross of Calvary! Amen!

     So, let us with the love and compassion of Christ reach out to those He sends into our path, speaking the Truth in love, witnessing, warning and winning those who are in bondage to the ruthless chains of sin, and thereby resolve the bewildering confusion of the current Traditional thinking, by the precious Truth of the Word of God.

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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