Saturday, June 7, 2014

Tradition: Alcoholism is a disease

                                                                   Tradition: Alcoholism is a disease
                                                                   Truth: Acoholism is a sinful addiction

     Tradition formulated during the past few decades states: Alcoholism is a disease that plagues multitudes. However, a disease is defined 'as a consequence of infection' the infection coming from a source outside the body such as infectious germs.  This should stop the mouths of those who say that Alcoholism is something a person cannot help because they are 'victims' of an unwanted disease.  Some even go so far as to say alcoholism is an incurable disease, giving it the same status as cancer or AIDS.

     But, the Bible tells us that drunkenness is a condition man experiences when he or she makes a decision to indulge their fleshly desires (Galatians 5:19). Through choice man consumes alcohol as the prophet Isaiah states: 'Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink' (Isaiah 5:22). 
Solomon also prohibits this habitual excess showing man's option and consequences of partaking and consuming alcoholic drink: 'Be not among the winebibbers (heavy drinkers). The drunkard and glutton shall come to poverty' (Proverb 23:20, 21). 

     The Apostle Paul speaks against drunkenness and excess of strong drink: 'Let us walk honestly...not in rioting or drunkenness' (Romans 13:13); 'Be not drunk with wine wherein is excess' (Ephesians 5:18) again showing mans obvious ability to decide either to consume or not to consume wine/alcoholic beverages.Although the Bible teaches that the sins of the father can effect the children through heredity, and the bent toward drink, drugs and other habit forming substances given to us by our parents is possible and many times contributes to the cause, alcoholism can not be considered a disease in the general sense or definition of the word.

     This removes the blame from the person who makes the conscious decision to partake, consuming in excess and eventually becoming dependent upon alcohol, just as people become addicted or dependent on caffeine, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, valium, heroine or any other mind altering and habit forming substance! Calling it a disease adds to the falsehood of the 'victim/victimized mentality' that is sweeping our nation and is more and more being accepted/adopted as the sole cause/excuse for man's sinful actions. The vocal media establishment says: The Alcoholic is a victim of their environment, a victim of family circumstances, a victim of their imperfect childhood and on and on the list of excuses continues. 

     The 'victim/victimized mentality' theory eliminates personal responsibility for one's actions. This places the blame squarely on the shoulders of any thing else but the person responsible for committing the act for which they are in fact responsible!  However, if we recognize that the root cause for our wrong actions is seated in our sin nature all of us are born with, and turn in repentance to God putting our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to give us a 'new birth and a new nature' through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can have complete victory over these and any other physical or spiritual impairment known to man!

     I am not speaking as an 'outsider looking in' when discussing these matters. I was a drug abusing alcoholic completely dependent on these addicting substances for over ten years when the Lord Jesus Christ saved me from my personally chosen sinful indulgences. He, in His mercy, rescued me from the vicious bondage of Satan's mind altering substances, bringing me into the unchained liberty of the 'Sons of God'!  His Truth delivered me from the power and penalty of sin and the Traditional thinking of man, plucking me 'as a brand' from the eternal fires of hell and guaranteeing me the precious promise of eternal life with Him in heaven!

     And, all it takes to have His guaranteed deliverance from sin and it's ruthless bondage is to call on Him recognizing that you can't save yourself, only Jesus, and He alone can save you from your sin for He paid God's price for our sin by suffering and dying on the Cross in order that you and I might have eternal life!  Turn from your sin and call on Him now, and He will save you… you have His eternal Word on it!

Chaplain L.E.Wolfe I-85 Exit 35 SC  McPilot  Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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