Sunday, June 8, 2014

Local Church Government

Truth: The Local Church should be governed by Pastor/Elders/Deacons
Tradition: The Local Church should be governed by Pastor/Deacons

    Although the Truth in this matter should be obvious to the casual observer, if the New Testament is used as the source of observation, the independent Baptist/Bible church movement of today has chosen to continue utilizing the Traditional method of local church government. This is in large part due to the tradition set by the historic Baptist tradition established throughout the past three centuries, but, unfortunately it is not what is taught and was practiced in the New Testament.

     In spite of the fact that we are Baptists here at Bible Truth Ministry, and I have been ordained a Minister of the Gospel in an independent Baptist church these many years, it has become increasingly clear to me that either form of local church government, whether utilizing the Biblically taught and practiced Pastor/Elders/Deacons or Pastor/Deacons, is totally dependent on the character of the men holding the offices, for all successful organizations, whether secular or sacred, rise and fall upon the character and abilities of the man/men that lead them.

     However, if the Bible teaches that the local church should be led and governed by a Pastor who is an Elder, and additional Elders and Deacons, then so should it be! Amen? Yes, Luke in Acts 20:17 recorded the fact that there were Elders (plural) in the church at Ephesus, and Paul did the same when he commanded Titus to ordain Elders (plural) in Titus 1:5. Likewise James when instructing the believers to call for the Elders (plural) in James 5:14, and Peter too, counted himself an Elder among the Elders (plural) to whom he was speaking (I Peter 5:1), then it would follow that the Biblical practice of the New Testament churches and the doctrine written to support their practice is clear!

     Then why, if the word Pastor is only mentioned once concerning local church government, in Ephesians 4:12 where it is mentioned in conjunction with the word teacher, do the majority of the independent Baptist and Bible churches of today opt for the Traditional Pastor/deacon church government?  Well, the answer to that question is manifold, but the main answer that is put forth is 'that is just the way it's done' in good churches. When I was ordained the residing Pastor told me after I questioned him on this subject, in so many words, just let it go and don't discuss if you want to get ordained!!

     Well, to my dismay and mistake, I did let it go that day, it did not seem important or an issue to push it and cause division, but in these years since the Lord has taken us in and out of various and sundry churches, with most of them utilizing the Traditional Pastor/Deacon government, their success in fulfilling God's plan for the local church did not seem, on the surface, to really matter whether they used the Traditional Pastor/Deacon or the Truth based Pastor/Elders/Deacon.

     But, if the Word teaches not ignore it...for the Biblical Local Church government provides a superior way of governing the local church for:

 1. Multiple Elders should utilize all the qualified men God has sent to that local church

 2. Multiple Elders should safeguard the flock from the 'dictator-Pastor' types

 3. Multiple Elders should help to car the Pastor's ministry load

Chaplain LEWolfe  I-85 Exit 35 SC   McPilot    Stop in, and please pray for our ministry!

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